What do you know about Graviera Naxou PDO?

Thank you for participating in our questionnaire.
Your answers and personal data will not be used anywhere else.

1. Gender *
2. Age *
3. Profession *
4. Education *

5. In your decision to buy food products, is the following factor important? They respect local tradition and "know‐how"

6. In your decision to buy food products, is the following factor important? “They have a specific label ensuring the quality of the product” *
7. In your decision to buy food products, is the following factor important? “They come from a geographical area that you know” *

Are you interested in knowing all the stages of the product's "transition" (production, processing and distribution) from the place of production until it reaches your table (traceability)?*

9. Do you know what the products with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label are? *
10. Do you recognize the logo below? *
11. Do you consume PDO products? *
12. If the answer to the previous question was “yes”, do you know Graviera Naxou PDO cheese? *
13. If you buy Graviera Naxou PDO, what factors made you aware of it so that you were led to its final purchase? *
14. Do you choose to consume products with geographical indication compared to other products? *
15. Do you recognize the campaign “The pleasure of European PDO products, Graviera Naxou PDO”? *